S2E38- How To Narrate The Screenplay of Your Life (with Bobby Del Rio)

Episode 38 September 04, 2021 00:52:25
S2E38- How To Narrate The Screenplay of Your Life (with Bobby Del Rio)
Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations
S2E38- How To Narrate The Screenplay of Your Life (with Bobby Del Rio)

Sep 04 2021 | 00:52:25


Show Notes

Bobby Del Rio, Canadian Activist, Actor, Play and Screenwriter,  and so much more, is joining Lolita for a bit of Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations on this episode 38. 

From the intermission of the pandemic and shifting mindsets to huge wins on the app called Clubhouse, to the flow and impact of standing in your truth, Bobby talks crypto, racism, hierarchy, digital space vs physical space, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.  He leaves us with powerful reminders of "I am even ok if it's a huge, spectacular failure" and "I have to take this opportunity." 

Here's the question.  How are we each choosing to narrate the screenplays of our lives? Hmmmm, tap into this episode and even grab a surprise of Lolita sharing one of her unpublished poems called, Dear Unleashed Potential.  Grab your CC&C journal and meet us at the kitchen table. 

The Deets about the show:

Stay Connected with Bobby

Stay Connected with Lolita

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