S1E6 - Grab That Power! (Cuz Guess What?! It's Yours)

Episode 6 July 08, 2020 00:21:08
S1E6 - Grab That Power! (Cuz Guess What?! It's Yours)
Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations
S1E6 - Grab That Power! (Cuz Guess What?! It's Yours)

Jul 08 2020 | 00:21:08


Show Notes

I am the trustee of me and I claim my power" is what we declare at the onset of this episode!  Whew!! What do you think of when you hear the word "power?"

We're answering questions + dropping nuggets on the definition of power, what to do when your power is at its lowest, how to grab it back, and so much more!  Power is that 5-lettered word that we can get lost in if we aren't careful!  I welcome you to the kitchen-table (minute 1:02), gift a bit of coaching & soul work (minute 3:39) to challenge your thinking, enjoy a few cocktails (minute 12:56) to celebrate all of the greatness you are, then we have some good ole fashion conversations, just you & I (minute 17:08).  

In coaching, we dig deep, through a powerful imagery exercise. During cocktails, we give a cheers to you and your wins, and conversations offer us a bit of reflection, a few laughs, and a call to action for a personal podcast help request.  **Don't forget to subscribe and review!**

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