S1E5 - Who's At Your Playground? Challenging Our Status Quo (with Mariangela Abeo)

Episode 5 June 24, 2020 00:41:50
S1E5 - Who's At Your Playground?  Challenging Our Status Quo (with Mariangela Abeo)
Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations
S1E5 - Who's At Your Playground? Challenging Our Status Quo (with Mariangela Abeo)

Jun 24 2020 | 00:41:50


Show Notes

!!EXPLICT LANGUAGE IN ON SECTION!!  “I am honest and live in my truth,” is the affirmation that kicks off this episode, which challenges your answer to the question of who is at your playground? and how do you acknowledge & engage? In a world where judging is often first of mind, assuming is a close second, & fear of our differences oftentimes crowd our space, we talk all about challenging our status quo with a focus on diversity and inclusion.  I gift a bit of coaching (minute 3:00) to challenge your thinking, with a bit of soul work and a story on bullies, enjoy a few cocktails (minute 12:03) to celebrate greatness, then we have some kitchen-table conversations with Mariangela Abeo (minute 13:37), suicide survivor, founder & photographer of The Faces Of Fortitude Project, TEDx speaker, & podcaster.  I ask you again, are you honest and live in your truth?

In coaching, I ask you to imagine there’s a playground right outside of your window. You’ve been wanting to go all day and now is finally your time. You take a glance over and see a host of folks there, some think like you, some you can see differences in right away. What goes through your mind as you decide if you will go over? What biases dance in your head? During cocktails, we give a cheers to you! and conversations take us from childhood to our 40's, self-discovery, being unapolgetic, walking into fear, and even to the Seattle riots where Mariangela shares a story that lays out white privilege on a silver platter right before our eyes.   Who is at your playground and are you being honest and living in your truth?  **Don't forget to subscribe and review!**

Links we reference during the episode:

Other links worth referencing:

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