S1E7 - Rebounding with Resilience: How Long Will You Stay At The Bus Stop? (with Ingrid S. Clay)

Episode 7 July 22, 2020 00:35:35
S1E7 - Rebounding with Resilience: How Long Will You Stay At The Bus Stop? (with Ingrid S. Clay)
Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations
S1E7 - Rebounding with Resilience: How Long Will You Stay At The Bus Stop? (with Ingrid S. Clay)

Jul 22 2020 | 00:35:35


Show Notes

How long will we stay seated at the bus stop watching our hopes, dreams, and endless possibilities pass us by?  How long will we hold the heavy bags of our past and allow them to keep us in the valley?  "I am the single approver of me and I trust myself completely!"  Let's let that sink in for a moment.  We are shifting and shaking in this episode to get each of up and moving toward the greatesness that awaits.  Today, I'm joined by Fitness Trainer, Former Brand Ambassasdor for Puma, and Plant-Based Chef, Ms. Ingrid S. Clay.  Most recently featured at the first virtual Essence Festival, I am so excited to welcome Ingrid to our "kitchen-table" for some good ole fashioned conversations!

In this episode, Ingrid and I become vulnerable, talk about our own valleys and low-points, fears, what we are working on, wins that we are proud of, and then I leave you with 7 strategies to consider when deciding that you are ready to rebound with resiliance and even promise a bonus episode next week on Forgiveness!  While this rebound is not easy...please know that it is ABSOLUTELY doable! There is a future-best-you that is ready to be unleashed and is simply waiting for you to get up from that bus stop and keep it moving, while taking the lessons learned.   I welcome you to the kitchen-table (minute 1:16), gift a bit of coaching (minute 2:42) & then we get into our soul work (minute 5:13) to challenge you a little bit, enjoy a few cocktails (minute 15:56) to celebrate all of the greatness you are, then we have some good ole fashion conversations, just you & I (minute 16:48).  

In coaching, I share three bags that I held on to in my valley for a long while.  During our soul-work exercise, I talk you through the imagery that takes us to a bus stop!  I'd love to hear what you labeled your bags.  During cocktails, I give a cheers to you and your wins, and conversations offer us a bit of reflection and more nuggets of how to rebound and also have a few laughs. 

**Don't forget to subscribe and review to this podcast, Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations with Lolita E. Walker!**

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