When was a time when YOUR Courage met your Fear? How did you feel? How did you overcome that fear? Wait....did you overcome it? Hmmmm, worth the pause right?
In this episode, I bring you #COACHING (Minute 2:35) via an exercise and a story of fear at my 1st TEDx talk! ahhhhh, #COCKTAILS (Minute 17:55), as we celebrate your wins, and #CONVERSATIONS (Minute 18:25), as we listen in to Elmora Evans, a front-line nurse and survivor of Covid19, who returned in to work 21 days! WHEN COURAGE MEETS FEAR!
Grab your CC&C Journal at https://www.lolitawalker.com/podcast to take notes, jot down actions, and do a bit of reflection during and after this episode!
In this episode, I referenced:
Ivory Tifa, Occupational Therapist, Poet and Kindness Doula joins Lolita E. Walker on this episode and it is soooo juicy. It challenges your thinking...
In this special bonus episode, Lolita shares a soon-to-be published, original poem called "Dear Yesterday." Written with the goal to acknowledge our past, sit...
IT'S A THROWBACK OF ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE EPISODES - This one was a juicy one!! Who said that the stigmas placed on me...