When Hollywood Actresses join Lolita for comedy and life lessons around turning tragic into magic, it's a combination that you simply don't want to miss. Far too often, we sit in our tragic moments, but what if the three of us had the power to champion you, as you turn your tragic into magic? Hmmm, I invite you to listen in.
I leave you with 5 considerations of how to do just that. In this episode, Kelly allows her vulnerability to pour out, as she talks of of her best friend, Lindsay Hawley (https://www.instagram.com/linzhawley). When Lindsay left this earth, by way of suicide, it was one of Kelly's most tragic moments. She talks how, even in that extreme low, she saw and experienced magic. Cat Ce leaves us with nuggets and gems that will power you where you are.
Grab your pen and pad and listen in, as they even chat how a social app has allowed them to partner with a few power players to help others get paid for turning their life story into a movie. It's amazing how powerful we are when we leverage the power of our creativity, our gifts, our words and our magic.
In this episode:
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Cat Ce
Don't forget to write your 5-star review if you pulled anything from this episode. (https://bit.ly/LolitaReviews)
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