S2E21- How To Liberate Your Authentic Self (with Cameo King)

Episode 21 January 20, 2021 00:36:45
S2E21- How To Liberate Your Authentic Self (with Cameo King)
Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations
S2E21- How To Liberate Your Authentic Self (with Cameo King)

Jan 20 2021 | 00:36:45


Show Notes

Is "authenticity" a buzz word or a way of life?  Hmmmm.  In this episode, we talk truth, liberation, direction setting, empathy, empowerment, self-awareness, reflection and everything in between. You'll een grab an exercise of soul-work that asks the question, "What if you were a house"  Imagine that!  I am joined by Cameo King, global leader, podcaster, business owner and powerhouse of all things "living authentically," for great conversations, a few laughs and a few gems.  Please don't forget to listen, subscribe and leave an amazing review IF you are finding value in these episodes and soul-work.


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