Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations

You're invited to Lolita's "kitchen table" for 3-layers of power, passion, & purpose. First up is COACHING, where you get a bit of “soul work”- to challenge your thinking. Next, there’s COCKTAILS to celebrate the ...more

Latest Episodes


July 29, 2020 00:20:39
S1E8 - How to Journey Forgiveness Freeway  (It May Be Bumpy!)

S1E8 - How to Journey Forgiveness Freeway (It May Be Bumpy!)

It's a bonus episode on Forgiveness!  Who is forgiveness for? Can you forgive?  Will you forgive?  Forgiveness Freeway is Stop 6 in my book,...



July 22, 2020 00:35:35
S1E7 - Rebounding with Resilience: How Long Will You Stay At The Bus Stop? (with Ingrid S. Clay)

S1E7 - Rebounding with Resilience: How Long Will You Stay At The Bus Stop? (with Ingrid S. Clay)

How long will we stay seated at the bus stop watching our hopes, dreams, and endless possibilities pass us by?  How long will we...



July 08, 2020 00:21:08
S1E6 - Grab That Power! (Cuz Guess What?! It's Yours)

S1E6 - Grab That Power! (Cuz Guess What?! It's Yours)

I am the trustee of me and I claim my power" is what we declare at the onset of this episode!  Whew!! What do...



June 24, 2020 00:41:50
S1E5 - Who's At Your Playground?  Challenging Our Status Quo (with Mariangela Abeo)

S1E5 - Who's At Your Playground? Challenging Our Status Quo (with Mariangela Abeo)

!!EXPLICT LANGUAGE IN ON SECTION!!  “I am honest and live in my truth,” is the affirmation that kicks off this episode, which challenges your...



June 10, 2020 00:28:56
S1E4 - How to Make My Natural Supernatural!  Come on Somebody!  (with Joy Sutton)

S1E4 - How to Make My Natural Supernatural! Come on Somebody! (with Joy Sutton)

When I sprinkled a bit of supernatural on top of my whole world shifted AND SO CAN YOURS! In this episode, I bring...



May 29, 2020 00:24:31
S1E3 - Say My Name! (Dear Black Boy, I Love You)

S1E3 - Say My Name! (Dear Black Boy, I Love You)

This eipisode is emotion-filled and raw, yet still gifts coaching, cocktails, & conversations.  Yes, I'm angry and disheartened, yet conditioned to see always see...
