Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations

You're invited to Lolita's "kitchen table" for 3-layers of power, passion, & purpose. First up is COACHING, where you get a bit of “soul work”- to challenge your thinking. Next, there’s COCKTAILS to celebrate the ...more

Latest Episodes


October 14, 2020 00:45:18
S1E14 - How Getting Clear Can Reroute You & Your Story (with D'Shawn Russell)

S1E14 - How Getting Clear Can Reroute You & Your Story (with D'Shawn Russell)

"If I'm smart enought to learn calculus, I'm smart enough to start a business."  Those are the words from guest, Ms. D'Shawn Russell, owner...



September 30, 2020 00:32:11
S1E13 - How The Tides of Life Can Bring Healing After The Storm (with The War And Treaty)

S1E13 - How The Tides of Life Can Bring Healing After The Storm (with The War And Treaty)

Do you ever wonder, how can the tides of life bring healing after your storm?  How can our ups and downs in life offer...



September 16, 2020 00:41:58
S1E12 - How Adversity Can Help  Find Your Purpose (with Chef Keesha O'Galdez)

S1E12 - How Adversity Can Help Find Your Purpose (with Chef Keesha O'Galdez)

Chef Keesha O'Galdez shares how adversity helped find her purpose.  When two Simmons Graduate School of Management grads get together, we have some good...



September 02, 2020 00:44:06
S1E11 - How to Dismantle Generational Stigmas:  Cannabis & Beyond (with Paulette Simone Smith)

S1E11 - How to Dismantle Generational Stigmas: Cannabis & Beyond (with Paulette Simone Smith)

Who said that the stigmas placed on me will define who I am?  Who said that I (or you) must walk, talk, & behave...



August 19, 2020 00:33:22
S1E10- This is My Journey:  It's Time to Write & Own Yours!

S1E10- This is My Journey: It's Time to Write & Own Yours!

How often do we allow our limiting beliefs and those crazy negative talks in our head shut us down and make a u-turn on...



August 05, 2020 00:42:57
S1E9-Leadership Untapped: How to Climb the L.E.A.D. Ladder (with Mario Scott)

S1E9-Leadership Untapped: How to Climb the L.E.A.D. Ladder (with Mario Scott)

My first male guest, Mario Scott  is joining us at the kitchen table to talk all-things leadership.  A leadership expert working with executives and...
