Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations

You're invited to Lolita's "kitchen table" for 3-layers of power, passion, & purpose. First up is COACHING, where you get a bit of “soul work”- to challenge your thinking. Next, there’s COCKTAILS to celebrate the ...more

Latest Episodes


January 06, 2021 00:44:43
S2E20 - Dating During COVID:  Boundaries & Beyond (with Candice Harper)

S2E20 - Dating During COVID: Boundaries & Beyond (with Candice Harper)

KICKING OFF SEASON 2 RIGHT!  We're talking Relationships during COVID!  They are tricky to say the least.  In this episode, Relationship Coach & Matchmaker,...



December 23, 2020 00:38:07
S1E19 - How To End 2020 on a High Note: Learning, Leadership & Life (with Dr. Monica Goldson)

S1E19 - How To End 2020 on a High Note: Learning, Leadership & Life (with Dr. Monica Goldson)

Dr. Monica Goldson, CEO of Prince Georges Public Schools (PGCPS), joins me in a fun, candid and raw, behind-the-curtain interview of an all-the-time mom...



December 09, 2020 00:48:27
S1E18 - How to Find The Essence of Your Truth (with Manav Khanna)

S1E18 - How to Find The Essence of Your Truth (with Manav Khanna)

We are going deep in this episode y'all!  Are you ready for soul work x3 and some serious shifting of your mindset?  We are...



November 25, 2020 00:35:49
S1E17 - Ladies, It's Your Season to TILT (with Sha'meca Latai)

S1E17 - Ladies, It's Your Season to TILT (with Sha'meca Latai)

This special episode is focused on The Ladies!  with a simple message:  IT IS YOUR SEASON!  For my faithful 10% male listeners, you are...



November 11, 2020 00:42:58
S1E16 -How to Communicate through Entanglements (with Damon Jones)

S1E16 -How to Communicate through Entanglements (with Damon Jones)

"Communication is a "how" we achieve great things in life.  It is not an end in itself."  These are the words from Damon Jones,...



October 28, 2020 00:52:13
S1E15 -My Road to 43 Years Old - Turning The Table (with Carla B & 52 Friends)

S1E15 -My Road to 43 Years Old - Turning The Table (with Carla B & 52 Friends)

There are moments in your life that simply take your breath a good typa way!  This is one of them. Imagine being still...
