Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations

You're invited to Lolita's "kitchen table" for 3-layers of power, passion, & purpose. First up is COACHING, where you get a bit of “soul work”- to challenge your thinking. Next, there’s COCKTAILS to celebrate the ...more

Latest Episodes


May 31, 2023 00:31:06
S4E80 - How To Create Links betwen Community & Success (with Lolita E. Walker)

S4E80 - How To Create Links betwen Community & Success (with Lolita E. Walker)

Sometimes it feels like there is a disconnect with our community and our success.  Using the imagery of a train, Lolita shares a few...



May 17, 2023 00:46:19
S4E79 - How to Stand in The Gap of Now to Transform Today (with Lolita E. Walker)

S4E79 - How to Stand in The Gap of Now to Transform Today (with Lolita E. Walker)

Sometimes we mistakenly think that WE are the gap that is preventing us from moving ahead.  What if WE were the gap closers?  In...



May 05, 2023 00:31:02
S4E78 - How To Navigate When Your Train Has Stalled (with Lolita E. Walker)

S4E78 - How To Navigate When Your Train Has Stalled (with Lolita E. Walker)

This episode is one you don't want to miss.  Have you ever felt that your train of work, life, or home has ever stalled...



April 26, 2023 00:25:04
S4E77 - How To Build Resiliency (with Lolita E. Walker)

S4E77 - How To Build Resiliency (with Lolita E. Walker)

This episode is all about doing a bit of "soul work" to apply what we chat about in this live recording.  Grab you CC&C...



April 19, 2023 00:30:08
S4E76 - How Being Colored can Jade Your Perspective (with Lolita E. Walker )

S4E76 - How Being Colored can Jade Your Perspective (with Lolita E. Walker )

Is this an oxymoron or is it straightforward?  How can being colored jade your perspective?  In this episode, Lolita offers you a perspective of...



April 11, 2023 00:47:57
S4E75 - How Women Warriors Can Be Unwavering in Navigating Life (with Madeline LaSalle Frazier )

S4E75 - How Women Warriors Can Be Unwavering in Navigating Life (with Madeline LaSalle Frazier )

Meet Powerhouse Madeline LaSalle Frazier, who is a woman on a mission.  For Women's History Month, she talked how to be unwavering, the notion...
